About Us
The Early Childhood Centers of Wilshire Boulevard Temple are nurturing environments offering Jewish values and education to young children and their families. Our primary goals are to develop each child’s self-esteem, promote positive feelings towards learning, and to encourage social interaction within a Jewish setting. You and your children are members of the Temple family, and we are proud and honored to have you with us on this shared journey of life.
The Early Childhood Centers offer three locations to serve you: in Mid-Wilshire/Koreatown (Glazer), West Los Angeles (Mann Family) and Brentwood (Resnick Family). All three campuses provide exceptional education, faculty, and experiences for your children.
Statement of Philosophy
The Early Childhood Centers of Wilshire Boulevard Temple builds strong bodies, minds, and spirits beginning at a very young age. Our primary goals are to develop each child's self-esteem, promote positive feelings toward learning, and to encourage social interaction within a Jewish Nursery School setting.
Partners in Growth
The most important developmental task for a child between the ages of two and five is the discovery of self. The child asks: Who am I? Where do I fit in the world? Can I trust the world? Am I loved? The Nursery School builds a partnership between school and family to create strong, happy children. We encourage each child to know and like himself or herself. We teach each child to know that he or she is loved and has a special place in the world, in our community, and in our lives.
Comprehensive Development
A child who has the confidence to try new things and new ideas will be ready for more formal learning experiences as he or she matures. Our curriculum, experiences, and activities are designed to be flexible to meet individual needs. Our program stimulates learning in all developmental areas: social, physical, emotional and intellectual.
Each Child is Unique
We recognize that young children have their own special ways of learning. Each child is a unique person with an individual pattern and timing for growth and development. The love of learning is best accomplished through active exploration, experience and interaction. Our many learning centers provide endless possibilities for creativity, exploration, and discovery.
Transmitting Jewish Values, Traditions and Celebrations
The values of Reform Judaism permeate the school. Through our Jewish life-centered curriculum, your child develops a strong, positive identification with his or her heritage, religion and people. Jewish values are joyfully transmitted through practicing tzedakah (giving to those in need), learning about Israel, taking care of our environment (Tikkun Olam), and respecting all people while valuing the differences among them. Shabbat, Rosh HaShanah, Yorn Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Tu BiSh'vat, Purim, Passover, Yorn HaAtzma-ut (Israel Independence Day), Lag BaOmer, and Shavuot are all included in our yearly celebrations. Thanksgiving, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday, Presidents' Day, and Independence Day are the secular holidays included in our curriculum. In keeping with our Jewish traditions, we do not celebrate Halloween or Valentine's Day at school.
Helping Families Grow, Together
Your family is an integral part of the educational process. We work together with you to help your child develop their highest potential. We offer parenting workshops in which you can find peers and support. Jewish Family Education is another essential part of our program. Parents learn through participation in classroom settings, adult workshops, and holiday events for the entire family.
Jewish tradition and celebration form the backbone of our curriculum. Interwoven with developmentally appropriate secular concepts, foundational experiences are created in the areas of language arts, science, math, art, music, movement, and cooking. The entire curriculum aims to enhance the child's development in the following areas: social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual. The values of kindness, consideration, compassion, and fairness permeate our daily experiences.
We believe that discipline derives from its original meaning "to teach." In our school, discipline, or limit setting, is loving, firm, and consistent. It is our goal to help children to develop inner controls by clearly defining age appropriate behavioral expectations and consequences. Children are taught personal and group responsibility and to understand the consequences of their actions. We do not use ''Time Outs" at school; instead, we use conflict resolution. We are always ready to work with parents on questions and issues of discipline.